Sunday, February 21, 2021

Winter Scenery


Because of a string of snow storms and cold weather I haven't been able to get out on the bike either on the road or the trail. There is just too much snow on the ground after an 8 inch storm followed about a week later with a 10 inch storm with a few inches in between. There has been some melting but not enough to clear the trails or the roads so that they are safe.  

Last weekend I went with Jack and Mike on a 6 mile hike on the high cliff trail in the Tohickon valley. 

Although there was still a lot of snow on the ground the trails were packed down so it wasn't too bad making our way thought the snow and we got some good views.

This Saturday some lingering mist from a storm  covered the tops of the trees with ice. At sunrise and the early morning it lite up the tops of the trees as shown in the photo at the top of the post and these two below.

This week we decided to walk around Tyler State park. We had gone there in December to ride mountain bikes around but a lot of the paths had not been cleared. This time more of the normal paths were cleared. 

We walked the normal route we usually ride and ended up down by the covered bridge which is probably the most scenic spot in the park. 


This original bridge burnt down in 1991 but was rebuilt using the original techniques as you can see when you walk through it. 

There is also a couple of diamond windows in the bridge to make it easier to see out over the river. 

We ended up hiking a little over 7 miles through some fields

and though some woods before making it back to the boat house where we started. 

Its nice to get outside especially when there is some interesting winter scenery to see but I do hope it gets warmer soon so I can get back on the bike. 

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