Sunday, January 10, 2021

So Far 2021 is a Cold Bitch


 So far 2021 isn't much better than the end of 2020 but we knew that would be the case. It has been mostly cold and cloudy for the past two weeks. I did lead a road ride last week. It was in the high 40s but there was a strong west wind so we headed from Cranbury over to the canal and back. The wind was a little tough in spots but it felt good coming back into with a tailwind Cranbury.

This Saturday with temperatures in the 30-35 range I decided to skip the road and ride the mountain bike. I was hoping it would have been a few degrees warmer as I wanted to do a ride out of Yardley with the Philly bike club but not at 35 degrees with a strong north wind. 

Instead I took the mountain bike from Washington Crossing down the Trenton and back on the canal path. I didn't get any body to join me but I did meet Jack just after I started heading down the PA side. We spent a few minutes catching up before I headed back down the trail and he headed towards Lambertville. 

At Yardley I left the trail and headed to the parking lot where the Philly bike club was starting their ride. I figured I would stop and say hi to Linda. I spent about 10 mins talking to Linda and a few others. It was nice to talked to some bikers who I don't normally see. Linda had a pretty big group for such a cold and hilly ride. There was even a guy there on a recumbent with electric assist. I'm sure it was an interesting ride but I'm glad I decided to stick to the canal path.  

Although it was around freezing it was sunny so once I got going I was warm enough. There were a few people on the path near Yardley but it thinned out as I got to Trenton. Once I started heading north from Trenton there weren't a lot of people just a bunch of ducks and a deer that actually swam across the canal. 

I know there are another couple of months of winter but I hope there will be a few warmer days ahead.

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