Sunday, November 8, 2020

A Couple of Silly Rides


As this has been a stressful year for a lot of reasons I have tried to increase my silliness a little. So when Laura had a ride last Saturday on Halloween I decided to add a spiderweb to my helmet. It wasn't much of a costume but is was more than I usually do as I'm not a big fan of Halloween. 

 It was barely above freezing when we started the ride but it was sunny and once we got moving I was warm enough. We headed to Lambertville to see the Halloween displays but this year there weren't a lot of big displays so it was kind of disappointing.

This week I decided to do something flatter. The weather was much warmer and was close to 60 when we started so all I needed was a long sleeve jersey. We started in Bordentown and I invited Chris to join us since he lives so close. Chis always seems to have a small malfunction every time he joins us. This time he had a problem keeping his head, I mean helmet on so it took him a few minutes to fix it. 

Since it was a sunny fall day I decided to head to Robling for to get a view of the river. We ended up going down almost to the Burlington Bristol bridge


It doesn't smell real nice in this area kind of a mix of raw garbage, industrial waste with a hint of diesel fumes. We did see a few interesting things along the river. We saw an outside spin class. Not sure how they got all those spin bikes in the middle of the park but somebody got a work out putting them there. We also saw a couple of parks and marinas and this Eagle statue. 

Since Laura decided to be in the glass studio instead of joining us I sent the required middle finger pictures. It just a stupid thing we do. It wasn't one of my more created pictures. I originally planned to do it in front of a Trump sign but we couldn't find many of them for some reason...

After a few pictures by the bridge we headed out of town to the better roads in Jacksonville and Columbus on our way back to Bordentown. It felt good to run these roads on a warm sunny day after last weeks cold ride. I know that winter is coming so it was good to get one more warm ride in before that happens.

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