Saturday, September 19, 2020

NJ Safari


Click HERE for more Pictures

Because of the pandemic we decided not to do any big vacations this year. We thought about spending a long weekend up in Cape Cod hanging out at the beach but a some of stuff we normally do wasn't opened and so we didn't think it would be worth the extra hassle. That means I have a lot of vacation days to use. I plan to use most of my vacation by taking four day weeks for the next few months.

This pass Monday I took a vacation day and my wife and I decided to go on a safari. This year Great Adventure made their safari park a separate attraction instead it being a included as part of the admission for their theme park. So if just want to go to the safari park you can now do that for a reasonable fee.

The safari park is a 5 mile loop with a number of different areas. There are a lot of deer, antelope, zebra and other grazing animals.

There are also some elephants and giraffes

And Lions and Bears who we saw get into some fights so we got a little show.

It wasn't like taking a real African safari but it was a good way to spend a couple of hours and enjoy a little local vacation

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