Sunday, August 30, 2020

Canal Loop



 The past two weeks we haven't ventured far from home. Last week was another humid Saturday ride. To change it up a little we headed out of Cranbury north to Helmetta for a fairly flat ride. This Saturday was too wet to ride and I ended up riding on my own on Sunday. I could have done Jim's ride or another out of Mercer Park but wasn't moved by either choice so I did a loop on my own from home to the canal and back. 

With traffic down this year because of the pandemic a ride that crosses route 1 is much easier. I started out from my house a little before 8am and headed into a headwind and and over a few hills to get to the canal. The route I took crossed Jim's route and based on when his ride started I thought I might run him on the road if things worked out. I was hoping for some Slugchronicity as even when we don't ride together we sometimes end up running into each other. Although I did see a lot of bikers on the road today none of them were part of the posse. 

It was a beautiful day for a ride. It was 65 when I started and 75 when I got back home and for once there was no humidity. It was a little windy going out but I had a good push going home. 

I took my break on a path in Herrontown Woods next to a small lake. Then headed back along Carnegie lake and back across route 1 for a quick 46 miles. 

 Now that summer is almost over and the weather is getting cooler I hope for more days like this. 


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