Sunday, July 19, 2020

A Night Out

There haven't been a lot of options if you wanted to go out for a night with most of the entertainment options still closed. You could go to a restaurant that has tables outdoors but with temperatures near 90 degrees you would be sweating all over your food.

The week I went out twice to try and capture some more pictures of the comet. On Tuesday I went to the Union Trail parking lot on Sharon Rd to get a view. The comet is now visible about an hour after sunset so I didn't have to get early to see it.

The comet was easy to see although dimmer than it was on Sunday. The dotted line below and to the right of the comet is an airplane with its strobe light.

While looking at the comet there was a pass of the Space Station overhead and I managed to get a picture of it streaking through the sky.

Saturday was another clear night and so I headed to Conover field on South Post Rd and invited a few of the posse to join me. The comet was easy to see with binoculars but it was definitely dimming as it is getting further away from the sun. The three pictures below are from Sunday, Tuesday and Saturday and show the difference in brightness.

Early Sunday Morning

Tuesday Evening

Saturday night

Still it was fun to hang out for a few hours with some friends. We also took a quick look at Jupiter and Saturn as I had my telescope with me. So although there are currently limited options for entertainment at least this week nature provided a reason to spend a few nights out.

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