Saturday, June 27, 2020

Fixing My Sagging Sack

I took off Friday from work and decided to do a ride since the weather was good. I decided to do something hilly out of Yardley so I used my Synapse for the ride. Whenever I take my Synapse out I notice how much different my sack looks. The one on the Synapse is much straighter and firmer.

Yes I know the bike is 11 years younger than my Feather but as far as I know age should not make things sag. At least not on a bike. 

Just because my Feather is old doesn't mean it can't perform or look as good as a newer bike. And for the most part my Feather is a fast good looking bike except for its sagging sack which get ridiculed. People tell, me all the time, that my sack is sagging and might fall off. The bag is secure and hasn't fallen off in 5 years when it almost took out Dave. Still it is a source of some embarrassment so I decided to take closer look at it after my Yardley ride.

I checked out the bracket that holds the sack on to my seat. I use the Jandd Klickfix system that has a bracket on the seat that allows you to easily clip your bag on and off the bike. This makes it easy to switch the sack between bikes so that I don't have to have a separate sack of gear for each bike. The Feather has a carbon fiber seat with the rails built into the seat so the bracket is a little harder to mount and makes it hard to get in on at the right angle. 

However after taking a look at the bracket which is probably at least 10 years old I noticed that the end of the clip was thin and broken. This was definitely causing some of the sagging.

I did have a spare bracket in stock so I replaced it and tried to position it better to keep the sack a little straighter.

It looks much better now its still not as straight as when this sack it mounted on my Synapse but that has more to do with the angle of the seat and rails than anything else. This just goes to show that with a little maintenance something old and sagging can be made to look and function almost like new. 

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