Sunday, January 12, 2020

Welcome to 2020

It's 2020 and I have to say I'm a little disappointed. By now we were suppose to have flying cars, robot servants and vacations on the moon. Predictions about the future are never very accurate especially when they try to predict decades in the future (Just look at some predictions from the 70s and 80s). At the beginning of each year I try to look forward and plan some interesting rides and trips. I don't have any major plans for 2020 yet but hopefully we can have more rides like this Saturdays.

Today the temperature was in the high 60s. It turns out that on average there are 1 to 2 days each January are over 60 degrees. Luckily the 60 degree day was on this Saturday. It had rained overnight and it was a windy day but it was still as good a day as you are going to get in January.

I had 11 people join me at Reed Recreation Area as a lot of people wanted to take advantage of the weather. We did this route which headed through the Assunpink before heading south into the wind. The wind  was blowing 10-15mph with a few higher gusts but it wasn't too annoying.

Our rest stop was the Charleston Coffee which is becoming one of our favorite stops when we head south. After the break we headed towards Cookstown via our favorite longhorn ranch.

Some of the roads were strewn with pot holes and Ricky hit one and got a flat but he made quick work of changing it. Once past Cookstown we headed north back towards Allentown and had a strong tailwind pushing us back for most of the last 12 miles. Even with the tail wind I was still dragging a little in the last few miles as I'm not use to doing rides over 30 miles in January.

Besides getting 46 miles in because of the warm weather I also got to break out my new light weight tights I got from Running Funky. They did not have my first 3 choices for pattern but she had this new space nebula pattern which I thought was cool and unique. I know we are entering the coldest days of winter and have some cold and crappy rides ahead so it was nice to get a warm one in to start the year.

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