Saturday, July 20, 2019

Feeling the Burn

Image result for excessive heat warning gif

It's summer so that means riding in the heat but today was excessive with temperatures predicted to be close to 100 degrees and the heat index above 110. Most sane people would choose to not rides but like a meth addict who needs a fix I decided to just get out early for a short ride. Laura had the same idea and actually put a ride on the calendar for 7am from the Pig. I thought about joining that ride but just couldn't get up that early to driver over there for a short ride.

Instead I just did a loop from my house to Millstone and back. It was already 80 degrees at 7am when I went into my garage to pump up the tires and go. When I turned my Garmin on it beeped and displayed an "Excessive Heat Alert" which I had to acknowledge to continue. I'm not sure how it knew the weather as I don't have it connected to my phone or my WiFi network. I think it was trying to say "Don't take me out in this heat bro"

I ended up doing around 35 miles and was back home a little after 9am. It was strange getting back so early from a ride. It was a hot ride and was 90 degrees by the time I got back..I probably could have done another 5 or 10 miles before it got unbearably hot but I had already sweated away 2 pounds of water so 35 was enough. Luckily my Garmin survived the heat and didn't commit suicide by jumping off the bike like someone else's did a couple of weeks ago.

I will be hibernating in the air conditioning and re hydrating for the rest of the day and hope the weather will get a little cooler so we can do some longer rides.

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