Sunday, April 28, 2019

Suck It Up Buttercup and Other Smack Talk

I ride with a bunch of people who like to insult each other. It's all done in fun of course. This week Jack sent out an email asking for a flat ride to which I thanked him for the suggestion then told him I was going to lead whatever the hell ride I wanted to. There were a few more email exchanges asking who was this guy Jack and questioned his riding skills. It was all just a little pre ride smack talk.

After I sent out the route for the ride Laura sent back "My legs hurt" to which Ricky replied "Suck It Up Buttercup." There is no empathy among the posse.

The ride itself involved less smack talk. Ricky, Laura, Jack, Peter, Andrew and a couple of other people joined me in Rocky Hill for a somewhat hilly ride. The 48 mile ride I had planned I shorten to just over 40 because of impending rain.

I took the easier up over the Sourlands up the newly paved Hollow Rd. I haven't done a lot of hilly rides and so this ride is about starting to get back in hill shape. I felt pretty good over the hills and we made good progress through the rivers around the Sourlands.

We hit a little light rain as we approached the rest stop, the Wawa on Rt 202. The rain got a little heavier as we left the stop ad headed towards Neshanic. It only lasted 15-20 mins then it cleared up and we rode the rest of the ride without rain. It ended up being a decent if slight shorter ride than I had planned. Hopefully we will have some better weather in the weekends to come so we can do some longer rides and exchange some more insults.


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