Monday, January 21, 2019

Super Wolf Mother, Bloody Bad Ass Moon

It seems like every time there is some astronomical even related to the moon the news media make up a new nonsensical name for the headlines. This time it was the name was the "Super Blood Wolf Moon". It made it sound like a once in a lifetime event. In reality it was just a normal lunar eclipse that happen to fall in January which is the wolf moon. Although a lunar eclipse is not as cool as a solar eclipse it still can be fun to watch.

I didn't really expect to see the eclipse since the long range forecast showed it would be cloudy. The storm ended up clearing out quicker than expected so the skies were clear for the eclipse. Unfortunately it was 15 degrees out so there was no way I was going to stand outside and watch it. Luckily the position of the moon during the eclipse was directly above the skylight in my kitchen. I was able to actually set up my telescope on my kitchen floor and point it through the skylight to watch the eclipse. The view was a little fuzzy since I had to look through a semi dirty triple pane window but it was better than freezing my ass outside.

I did manage to get a few picture but none came out that great because of shooting through the skylight. It was also very windy so that makes a more turbulent atmosphere which makes it harder to get a clear view of the moon.

When the moon got to full eclipse it seemed dimmer and not as red as other ones that I have seen. It was actually too dim for me to get a clear picture. I may have to invest in a little better camera for the next one in a couple of years. Each lunar eclipse is a little difference and interesting in its own way so I'm glad I got a chance to see it. 

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