Sunday, November 18, 2018

Winter Forecasts

After spending a week on the beach with 70 degree temperatures it has been a little bit of a shock to come back to the cold November weather. Last Sunday I ended up doing Jims's Ride. And this week I lead a ride from Bordentown. On both rides the temps were in the low 40s. Jim's ride was a little colder and cloudier but both were normal fall rides. As long as you were dressed correctly you could stay warm. There is that annoyance factor of riding in the cold of having to decide what to wear so that you are neither too hot or too cold and then dealing with the either being a little too hot or too cold during the ride itself.

Some people stop riding when it gets too cold. Others go down to Florida but neither is an option for me. I will just ride through the cold winter weather as best I can and try to have some fun doing it. These cold rides got be looking at the long range winter forecasts and the outlook is not promising. Both the Farmers Almanac and NBC10s long range forecasts are the same. They both call for a cold and snowy winter. I don't put a lot of faith in these long range forecasts as the models are very complicated and not very accurate. In fact there are more ways their models could be wrong than right. However with that said all the predictions seem to be in agreement so I believe them a little more than I normally do(especially after getting 5 inches of snow this week).

Because of that and because is was sunny for most of the ride. I decided to extend Saturday's ride a few miles and go around Mirror Lake in Browns Mills. We stopped for a few pictures as we rarely go around the lake. We ended up with close to 50 miles. It was a little cold on the way back because of some clouds and a stiff wind. I'm glad we put in the extra miles because base on the long range forecast this may be the warmest and longest ride we do for a while. 

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