Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Swamp Ride

The wasn't actually a ride through any real swamp but a ride along Long Swamp Rd and through Turkey Swamp hence the name. After last weeks hilly ride and because Laura's hill bike still had some tire issues I decided to do a flatter ride this week. I didn't feel like a pineland ride or heading to the shore on labor day weekend so I came up with a ride that went south of New Egypt and through Cassville. Here is a link to the route.

The weather was more humid than last week but the temps were still in the low 70s so was comfortable riding weather. Joe, Chris, Andrew, the new Jim, Laura, and Ricky joined me for the ride. We fought a strong east wind as we wound our way through New Egypt and to the first rest stop Emery's. Emery's is a blueberry farm with a small store. They don't have the best facilities but the sell some tasty baked goods.

From there we road towards Cassville where we stopped at the Russian church to take a photo to send to plain Jim who wasn't able to join us for the ride. Hopefully we will see him on a ride soon.

From there we made our way to and through Turkey swamp. I planned a rest stop in Millstone where I saw a new coffee shop/bistro where Roy's use to be. It was closed for the holiday weekend so we ended up at Vesuvius Pizza across the street.

The weather was still a little overcast and just below 80 degrees so I still felt good the last few miles back and wasn't getting dehydrated like I did fore the PFW ride. I got back home with 70 miles and could have done more if I wanted to. Laura followed me home because she was feeling good enough to stretch the ride to a century and wanted the extra miles. I suspect she completed this one with out any problems.

The only regular missing from the ride was Jack. He actually registered for the ride but based on the picture I got it looks like he is busy stuffing his face.

He is also somewhere in the mid west on his way to Colorado so I really didn't think he was coming anyway.

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