Friday, July 27, 2018

The 2018 PFW Event

*****UPDATE  The weather is not looking good for riding on Saturday so I may move my ride to  Sunday. Keep and eye on my blog for more details.

I know there will be no PFW event this year and I agree with that decision but it is going to feel strange not riding the event. So on Saturday Aug 4, when the event would have been, I'm going to do my own event ride. I'm planning on doing a metric based on some of the old event routes. While I was working on the metric route I decided to create a full set of routes. They are listed below. I have created a century, metric, 50 and 25 mile routes. All these routes start at the picnic area of Mercer County Park off Edinburg Rd and are on roads and should be familiar to most of us.

So if your are missing the event get your group together, pick one of the routes below and join me and a few others who will be out there.  Since there will be no arrows on the road, cue sheets, rest stops or a sag it will might feel more like an all paces ride but it will be a fun way to spent the first Saturday in August. 

Here are the routes and some details about them

The Century

The Century is a pretty flat route that takes you through Jacksonville, Browns Mill, before going through the pinelands then back through Pemberton. Since there are no supported rest stops I have made sure there is a Wawa or some other store at least every 20 miles. Here is a list of the rest stops
  • Mile 21 - There a Wawa on Pine Rd right where it meets Rt 537 
  • Mile 33 - There is a Deli when you make the turn on to Stump Tavern Rd
  • Mile 45 - There is a Wawa in New Egypt when you make the turn on to Main St (Rt 528)
  • Mile 57 - There is a Wawa in Browns Mills. Just make a right at the light by the lake on to Lakehust Rd. Its a only a quarter mile from the light
  • Mile 67 - There is a Super Wawa on the left just before the turn onto Pemberton Arneys Mt Rd
  • Mile 76 - If you need a stop before Allentown you can make a left on to Mt Pleasant Rd instead of a right and take a quick detour to the center of Columbus (its about a mile)
  • Mile 93 - If you need a one last stop to get you home you can stop at Woody's in Allentown
The Metric

This route follows the century until mile 45 then takes a more direct route back. The list of rest stops are the same as the century until mile 45 in New Egypt and then at mile 57 if you need a another rest stop you can stop at Woody's in Allentown.

The 50 mile route

The route will be a loop to Cassville and back. There are two places to take a break the first one is at a deli/antique store at mile 26 at the corner of Rt 528 and Rt 571. There is also a Wawa at mile 32 where Rt 537 meets Pine Rd.

The 25 mile route

The is a simple ride through the Assumpink to Roy's Deli and back.

Hope to see some of you out there next Saturday.

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