Sunday, March 18, 2018

Tough Week

It started with elevated liver enzymes which were high enough to do an ultrasound. The ultrasound found stones and "sludge"in the gall bladder. They weren't causing any issues but if one of the stones blocked the duct in the gall bladder it would rupture and that would be bad and possible terminal. So the operation was scheduled and performed on Wednesday. Everything went well and now my dog is recovering. It was a tough week for her. Having a operation is bad but what is worst for a dog is that there is no way to tell them that they are going to get an operation or even prepare them for the trauma. All they know is that they go to the vet, get and IV put in, go to sleep and them wake up and feel like total shit.

When we got Frisket back from the vet on Thursday the pain killers and other drugs in her system had not entirely worn off so she was loopy and in pain and didn't know what to do with herself. She wanted to lay down and go to sleep but when she sat down or tried to lay down it was painful so she leaned against the wall or my leg and tried to fall asleep. She has to wear a cone around her neck so she doesn't try and remove the stitches. The vet tried to give us a plastic cone but we found a cloth doughnut that is a lot easier for the dog to wear and is easier for them to move around in. 

There is nothing more sad than a dog in pain. My wife and I did what we could to comfort the dog but there really wasn't much we could do to help her.

Friday she was a little better and started eating more. Everyday will be a little better and the vet said she should be back to normal in a couple of weeks. Today is Sunday and she is finally able to rest comfortably

I'm sure now that she can rest and is not in as much pain she will be back to her old self soon. 

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