Sunday, November 26, 2017

A Day at the Beach

We were blessed with good weather for the Thanksgiving weekend. This allowed me to get two good rides in. On Friday I did a ride with team social security. I try to ride with these people a couple of times a year to get a peak at my possible future. It actually looks pretty good. We had a brisk ride to Jackson and back and with riding from my house I got 45 miles in. It was good catching up with some people I don't see that often and reaffirming that riding is what keeps us feeling younger than we really are.

On Saturday I did a solo ride to the beach to do a check on the codo in Avon to make sure it was ready for the winter. It was hovering between 40-50 degrees for most of the ride so it was not as much fun as a normal ride to the beach. This was a one way ride since my wife met me at the beach so I didn't have to worry about saving anything for the way back. Because it was sunny the beach was actually a busy place. There weren't many people sunning themselves on the beach but there were a lot of people walking along the boardwalk and visiting the shops. By the time I got to Avon I had done another 45 miles and enjoyed some scenic views of the beach.

Then is was a little maintenance on the condo before stopping at our favorite BBQ place for well deserved meal on our way home.

The long range forecasts are calling for a mild winter so hopefully that is true so I can keep riding during the winter months. 

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