Monday, September 18, 2017

High Tech Table

Since I work from most of the time I have been slowly updating my office to make it more comfortable and efficient. I have made a computer rack to better organize my multiple computers and built a charging station to charge my many devices. My latest project was to replace a 30 old end table next to my recliner.

I have hated the end table since I bought it as Service Merchandise for $25 for my first apartment and wanted to replace it but never found anything that I liked. I wanted a good looking end table to be next to my recliner to have a place to store the books I'm reading and hold a pad, pen and reading glasses.

After looking online and in furniture stores I couldn't find that perfect table so I decided to build one. Its a two tone piece built out of maple and some mahogany Formica to match the other furniture in the room. Its a simple box shape but has some cool hidden features.

Although it looks like a solid box from the front it has a shelf cut out of the sides.

This give me a place to keep my reading glasses and current book I am reading. This table may look like it doesn't have a lot of storage but this is where it goes high tech. I used a linear actuator to add a hidden vertical draw. There is a switch in the cut out shelf that uses a linear actuator to raise the top of the table... revel two internal shelves where I can store a lots of stuff. I also added an internal plug strip that has two AC plugs and 3 USB ports where I can plug my laptop in or tablet in to recharge it.

Although the table is really nothing more than a box and vertical draw with some shelves it was a little complicated to build. Getting the maple and mahogany Formica to fit perfectly together took some precision cutting and patience to get it just right. I had never used a linear actuator before so fitting it and determining how to connect it to the table and wire it up took some trial and error. 

However all the work was worth it. I am really happy the way it turned out. It is not only looks good but is a cool combination of high tech and functionality that perfectly fits into my home office.

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