Sunday, August 27, 2017

Eclipse Photos

I finally had time to go through all my eclipse photos and post them up to a google photo album. I made a couple of composite pictures to try show the full eclipse from start to end.

I also got some pictures from one of the people that was with us at Smith's Ferry. Her son is in the Air Force and had a colleague who was flying a U2 during the eclipse. First to see pictures from a U2 at 70,000 feet is just plain cool. What the picture below shows is the shadow of the moon moving across the clouds from left to right.

There is also an interesting shot of the corona reflecting off the pilots helmet.

And a composite showing the different phases of the eclipse along with a picture of the shadow of the moon.

My favorite picture that I took was halfway through the totality

It shows all the cool things about the eclipse. The wisps of the corona, the black circle of the moon, and a solar flare. It was fun to go through all the photos and remember how it felt to see the eclipse but now it is time to get back to my normal life...

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