Wednesday, June 7, 2017

How to Unsafely Mow a Steep Hill

One of the interesting stories that I didn't have room to share in my last post was about the guy across the street who was mowing the steep hill at the front of his law. Check out the video below.

This seems like an interesting solution to the problem of how to mow a steep hill yet it doesn't look entirely safe. You have to understand that he is doing this on a busy road with cars constantly going by. There is no ditch at the bottom of the hill so if the length of the rope is wrong its going across the road. The grass he was long and wet but this mower cut through it with out bogging down so this is a powerfully and dangerous mower. With all this in mind I have a few questions about the safety of his technique

  • What if the rope breaks
  • I guess the safety switch that shuts the mower off when you let go has been disabled
  • If the mow flips over how to you shut it off (Again safety switch is disabled)
  • How many cars see a mower flying down the hill and swerve into on coming traffic.
  • Any chipmunk or squirrel on the hill doesn't stand a chance of getting out of the way.
  • The Ithaca Journal will some day have a headline "Mower Crashes into Car"

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