Sunday, June 18, 2017

Belt and Suspenders

You know those personality tests where they tell you which Friends character you are most like, apparently in the Belt and Suspenders version of that I'm the Belt.

This week I went on Laura's ride to Clinton. Because of problems with her Garmin she sent the route out to Jim (Suspenders) and me (Belt) in case her Garmin crapped out and need help keeping us on course.

The ride got moved to Sunday because of the rain on Saturday. Although we didn't have any rain it was close to 100% humidity when we started from Lambertville. Besides Laura, Jim and myself there was Andrew, Jack, and John. John turned back after the initial climb because he just wasn't feeding it today. The rest of us wound up the hill and through a couple of new roads on the way to Clinton.

It was a pleasant enough ride although because of the humidity and rising temperature I wasn't feeling my strongest. After a stop in Clinton it was time to climb back over the hill and head back to Lambertville. I have only been to Clinton a couple of times so am not as familiar with the roads around here. The initial ride out wasn't too back and we ended up on some dirt bike path by a river for a mile or so.

Then is was time to do the climb. I had seen the profile on the route Laura had sent out. I know the climb was 500 ft in 2 miles. It looked around 10% more or less but nothing worst than we have done before. However the topographical information doesn't always tell you what the road is really like. We had come down this road, Laura said but I didn't really remember it.

The first mile and a half were OK I was in my granny slowly spinning up. According to the RideWithGPS route the first part peaked out at 15%.  My heart rate was going between 160-170 bpm which is normal on a steep climb. With about a quarter mile to go I saw Jim and Andrew get off their bikes and start walking as the hill got a little steeper (Turns out it was 18%). I kept going but my heart rate hit 180 and I can't maintain that for more than 100 ft so I got off the bike walked about 20 ft to let my heart rate recover a little before getting back on the bike and getting over the top.

There was a little more climbing after that but it was not as steep so it wasn't as bad although with the sun going in and out of the clouds it was getting close to 90 so I was feeling the wear and tear of the heat.

By the time we got back to Lamberville we had 52 miles and about 3000 ft of climbing. I felt a little worn out but didn't cramp so I wasn't totally shot. Except for the steep climb it was a good route. However I think I will be heading for something a little flatter next week. 

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