Sunday, April 23, 2017

Weather Report

This weekends weather report was as accurate as this years presidential election predictions but before I get to this weekend ride let me share a few Easter pictures.

Each year we host Easter dinner for our families and my wife likes to do something creative for dessert. This year she made two desserts. The first one was cannoli filling inside a cup of pie crust that was covered in chocolate. They looked like eggs in a basket and tasted great.

The second one was crushed Oreo's and pudding in a cup with a orange chocolate covered strawberry making it look like carrots in the dirt.

Because I spent all of last weekend getting ready for and then hosting Easter I didn't get much riding in. I was looking forward Laura's ride and the initial weather report said sun to clouds on Saturday and torrential rain on Sunday. Even as late as Friday night Saturday still looked good.

When I got up Saturday morning it was already cloudy and dark. I checked the weather and there was already rain on the radar. It was waves of patchy rain so it might had been possible to get a ride in with out getting wet but the more I looked at it and the hourly forecast I decide I would get wet if I went riding and didn't feel like doing that especially since Sundays weather looked much better.

I checked my email and saw Jacks message asking me if I was still going on Laura's ride and told him nope. I didn't see any email from Laura or an update on her blog so I guessed she was still going despite the weather. According to her blog they did get a little wet and muddy so I think I made the right choice. I agree with her venn diagram that we are sometime crazy or stupid enough to ride in the rain but some of us are not as crazy as others and we had an open schedule on Sunday. I did feel bad bailing on the ride but don't think I'm a fink according to the official definition. It is nice to be missed though.

Because I bailed on Saturdays ride I led an off the books adhoc ride on Sunday out of Lambertville. Pete (who also bailed on Laura's ride) and Jack joined me. We did this route. It was a variation of my covered bridge ride. I wanted something hilly to get ready for weekend in Danville with the Philly bike club.

It was sunny and cool as we started our climb out of Lambertville. I wound around and eventually ended up at the middle of Federal Twist. We stopped for a moment of silence for the missing bone fragment from Jacks back. The good news, we all made it down the hill with out a crash this time. Maybe later in the season we will come down the entire hill.

At Bull's island we headed over to the PA side of the Delaware where we climbed Wismer and went over a couple of covered bridges as we made our way up and down the hills. Besides Wismer there was nothing really steep or hard but this was the most climbing I had done this year.

We took a much deserved break in Frenchtown where the sun was still out and warming us up.We were still feeling pretty good so we climbed out of Frenchtown instead of bailing out on 29. We went up Horseshoe Bend Rd which was a longer climb then I remembered. We spent some time on the ridge before coming down to Seargentville. There were some more climbing but we also had some nice downhills.

My original route had us going back to Lambertville down Alexauken Rd but Jack wanted some more miles so we did a loop through Mount Airy and did more climbing than I wanted to do. When we got back to Lambertville we had 54 miles in and about 3800. It was longer and more climbing than I was planning but I felt ok and should help me get ready for the trip. Hopefully the weather report will be more accurate for next weekend so we can get the full insane posse riding together again.

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