Sunday, February 5, 2017

Exploring Both Sides of the Delaware

It was another below freezing weekend where it was too cold to get out on the road but just warm enough to hit a trail on the mountain bike. So far this year we have explored parts of the northern D&R canal we hadn't been on before. This week Laura decided to do both sides of the canal trail between Washington Crossing and Stockton.

Laura again had a very large turnout of 10 people probably because there weren't any other rides today and people are anxious to get out any way they can. Before the start of the ride one of the riders realized there was a large bolt missing from the rear suspension. There was some talk of trying to zip tie it to fix it but nobody had zip ties and this was one thing duck tape won't fix so he went is search of a bike shop.

We started up the NJ side which we have done many times before. There was a stiff north east wind in our face most of the way up. Although there were a few hardy people and dogs walking the trail for the most part we had it to ourselves. The most interesting part of the trail is the piece that goes through Lambertville as there are some small interesting houses right next to the canal and some art spread around (this time the theme seem to be metal fishes hanging from various spots)

At Stockton we stopped for quick bathroom brake before crossing over the bridge to the Pennsylvania  side.

From the bridge you actually have to go down a set of stairs to get to the trail on the Pennsylvania side. The trail on this side is not as wide but that didn't keep a pick up truck from driving down it. Peter and I had to step aside to let it through. It barely fit under the bridges of which there are many on this side and as it was a public works truck I guess he was just checking out the trail.

The trail is mainly red dirt and gravel. As we headed down the trail there were a number of bridges which we could either go under ducking our heads or go over and around. When we hit New Hope Laura when over a bridge only to realize there was no way to get back on the trail so we stopped to wait for her.

In the middle of New Hope we had to go down a set of stairs and cross Main street to stay on the trail

Another 5 miles or so as the trail bent away from the Delaware we made it back to Washington Crossing and crossed the bridge back to our starting point. It was still just below freezing but the foot warmers I tried out for the first time today really worked well so I was never really cold during the ride.

The Pennsylvania side of the trail was interesting so if the weather remains cold as that stupid rodent Punxsutawney Phil predicted then we may do more of this trail.

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