Sunday, January 22, 2017

Dark and Damp Ride

It was dark and dreary January day. Some may say it wasn't just the weather that made it a dark day. Despite the overcast skies and damp roads it was still a good enough weather to ride in for a January day because it was in the mid 40s. I didn't have anything listed in the book but posted a message on the blog and sent out an email blast.

When I got to the picnic area of MCP Joe, Chris and Bob were waiting and Laura and Peter road in soon after. When we left the park the roads were damp from the previous days rain but at least there were no big puddles on the roads. We road to New Egypt which is one of my standard winter rides. It felt good to be on the road bike again after being on the mountain bike the past few weeks.

We wound our way around the backside of Allentown and into Crosswicks where Peter almost got clipped by a car making a high speed right turn about 3 feet in front of him. It added some much unneeded excitement to the ride.

We kept a slow B pace as most of us hadn't been riding much in the past few weeks. I did decide go up Hill Rd just to get some climbing in. We decide to stop a Scott's Deli which was good because the Wawa is closed and looks like it is being refurbished.

The clouds never got any thinner and we never saw the sun so the roads never dried out. Still it felt good to get out on the road with group again. I ended up with almost 50 miles. January and February are hard months to get out and ride so I was happy we could get a ride like this in.  

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