Sunday, September 25, 2016

Delicious Orchard

Some rides are scenic rides others are destination rides. My ride this week was a destination ride to Delicious Orchards. Delicious Orchards is one of the best farm market/baked goods place in NJ so if  you want to indulge in fried apple fritters or some large danishes this is the place to go. There is nothing particularly bad about the roads getting there or back its just that they are not especially scenic.  Riding out this way means you have to deal with some traffic in spots and some days are worst than others. I try to keep to quiet back roads but as this area has continued to be built up that is getting a little harder.

Jim and Laura joined me at my house and we road into Etra Park where we picked up John and Peter. I would of had more people except for the fact that is was misting out. The forecast had called for cloudy with zero chance of rain so I thought that it would clear up as we rode east. We did this route which has parts of our normal Belmar and Sandy Hook rides. The rain persisted and we went in and out of heavy misting rain. It wasn't cold but it wasn't really warm either so I'm glad I decided to put the arm warmers on.

By the time we got to Delicious Orchards the rain had stopped but still no sun. The problem with stopping here is that there are so many good things to eat here it is hard to choose. I grabbed an large apple cinnamon danish which I didn't think I 'd finish but as soon as I tasted it I could stop eating it. (Peter actually bought and ate 2 of them). Jim had the fried apple fritters. Luckily nobody had panniers so we could not bring more junk food home.

The ride back home was dry but still cool and cloudy. We made our way through Freehold then back to Etra Park where we finally saw some blue sky and the sun. I got this picture of Laura taking a picture of the clouds. If you check out Jim's blog you will see a picture of me taking a picture. This is just part of the stupid stuff we do on our rides.

By the time I got back to my house I had 62 miles. Even though we got a little wet it still was an enjoyable ride. Now that it is autumn and the weather is turning colder it is important to get long rides like this in when you can.

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