Sunday, August 21, 2016

A Ride and a Wedding

A wedding this weekend prevented me from going on Laura's ride as I had to be cleaned up and in Brooklyn by 5pm. I didn't want to do another ride on my own so I rode over to Cranbury for the 8:30 am ride. It was really crowded with close to 30 people for two different rides. I went out with John on the C+ ride to have a relaxing ride and catch up with a few people I hadn't seen in a while. It was a basic ride to Roy's and back. Herb and I split off at Roy's to add a few miles. I came in with just over 46 miles and was happy I was able to get that many miles in. Although it was hot it wasn't nearly as hot as last weekend so for once in the past couple of weeks I didn't feel dehydrated at the end of the ride.

Driving to Brooklyn is always a fun drive that can take somewhere between an hour and a half and 2 days. Luckily besides an accident on the Verrazano bridge that caused a small delay it was reasonable 2 hour drive. The wedding and reception was in an old club in the park slope section of Brooklyn. As with a lot of old buildings in New York the woodwork and architecture of the interior are of a quality you don't see a lot in new buildings. The rooms were filled with intricate wood paneling with a lot of custom carvings topped off with the classic tin ceilings with more carved moldings. Of course like most old building in New York air conditioning is an add on and usually doesn't work that well. It was over 85 degrees in the rooms we were in and that was before the people were there. The window unit air conditioners just weren't able to cut through the heat. 

It was hot uncomfortable but we still had a good time. We just resigned ourselves to the fact that we were going to be sweaty so lets ignore that and help my wife's niece celebrate her wedding. 

They had a simple ceremony that dispensed with a lot of the tradition rituals and focused more on celebrating the couples commitment to each other.There were some of the usually speeches by the best man and matron of honor but for the most part it was just a party. 

By 10 pm it was over and we could finally get back to the air condition car for the ride home. Its going to be a few days before my core temperature cools down. I am looking forward to my trip to Alaska next week where the highs won't be much over 60 degrees. I'm looking forward to actually feeling cold.

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