Saturday, July 16, 2016

Firing on all Synapses

Today was the first time Laura and I rode our Synapses on a ride with Jack. The last time this happen Jack crashed on his way down Federal Twist. Laura has a theory that when our Synapses are together they fire off like synapses in the brain causing problems for people riding with us (i.e. Jack and Blake). I would like to point out that this wasn't a problem until Laura Synapse was damaged to the point it had to be replaced. It seems this year we are making up silly superstitions to explain random problems and then coming up with new religious artifacts (Holy Kickstand) to try and ward off random problems.

The ride today, lead by Laura, was to Clinton from Lambertville. Besides Laura and myself, Jack, Blake, Celeste, Andrew, and a couple of other people showed up. It was a hot start and an up hill grind as we headed towards Clinton. We ended up doing this route. We don't go to Clinton a lot so I really wanted to do the ride. the way up Seabrook Blake had a flat. A quick inspection of his tire showed that it was worn pretty thin and had a hole I could almost poke my finger through. Blake decided to turn around since he was only a couple miles from the start and there was a chance the tire would not last the ride. It was the safe thing to do.

The rest of us continued on rolling up the hill. None of the climbs was long or hard and we were in shade most of the time. We had a couple of good downhills before we pulled into Clinton for the rest stop.

After the stop Laura took us along the river, and some gravel, before we had to head back uphill. This was the hardest climb of the ride. It was about 350 ft climb over a mile and a half. It wasn't steep enough to down shift to the triple but with the heat I'm glad it wasn't harder and that there wasn't a lot more climbing.

Jack had his new replacement bike which was the same model he crashed on. He has been a little cautious going downhills which is understandable but he did get close to 30 mph a couple of times. We were close enough to go down Federal Twist again but Jack didn't seem to want to do that (Maybe next time).

The last few miles of the ride was along Rt 29 between Stockton and Lambertville. There isn't much of a shoulder on this part of 29 so I don't like riding here but there wasn't much traffic and the road was freshly paved so it wasn't a problem.

Besides the problems with Blake's tire it was an uneventful ride. So the pairing of the Synapses didn't cause any adverse affect.... this time.

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