Sunday, March 6, 2016

LHT Trail

Ended up doing another ride by myself this weekend. I was thinking of going on Laura's ride but it was too cold for me to do a road ride and I also didn't feel like doing hills. I decided to to the Lawrence Hopewell Trail (LHT) since I haven't been on it this year yet. I got to the parking lot around 9:30 and I was the only one there. The snow we had on Friday had all but melted and it was just above freezing. This meant the trail was wet and a little mushy. For the most part the parts of the trail that weren't asphalt were in good shape but there were a few spots where it was like pedaling through sand so I got a good work out.

The last two times I rode this trail I got a little lost by the Education Center since this part of the LHT is not finished and you have to detour through a few local roads to connect back to the trail. This time I had no problem connecting back to the trail. I even found a few sheep on Bayberry.

Although I found a few people walking the trail I didn't see any other bikers. I ended up doing a little over 20 miles in just under 2 hours. It looks like the weather is turning warmer next week so I should be back on the road for my ride next Saturday.

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