Sunday, January 17, 2016

Wet or Cold

Somewhere around 35 degrees is my limit to riding in the cold on the road which is why I decide to do a mountain bike ride today. Saturday was close to 50 but the overnight rain had made the roads too wet to ride. When I woke up on Sunday it was just above freezing and so I knew I wasn't going to be on the road. I decided to ride along the canal from Washington Crossing.

I ended up going up just past Stockton and back. The trail along the Delaware is well maintained so it is a smooth ride for a trail. In the grey clouds of the winter day it was not a very scenic ride. The best part is between Lambertville and Stockton where you ride next houses along the canal. I ran into an interesting bridge just outside of Lambertville. It had some kind cruiser bike hanging from the bridge. Not sure it this was art or a warning to bikers who don't yield to pedestrians.

There are a few points along the path where is splits. The branches off the path are usually a little rougher but still don't require any stump jumping skills.

One of the branches had an abandon train car rotting that I took a picture of. No sure why this car is here but the tracks are missing a few hundred feet down the path so this car is here to stay .

I was on the trail for about two hours before I got back to the start. The temperature hadn't changed much so I was glad to get into the car and warm up. 

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