Saturday, August 29, 2015

Easy Social Ride

After beating myself up for the last two weeks on hard hilly rides that pushed me to the limits and a season of tough rides I wanted a something mindless and easy. I sent out a email to the usually folks and a few people I haven't seen in a while. The response was great and I got more people than expected. It seems the words easy and flat were the key they drew everybody out, even though I am know for understating the difficulty of my rides. I ended up with 10 people. Gen, Laura, Cheryl, Mary, Herb, Jim. Jack. Dave, Joe and Marc.

We started out from the Edinburg parking lot of Mercer park and did this route. Except for a few minor bumps I kept the ride flat. I don't know what our average was but we moved along at a good relaxed pace. I wasn't pushing it or really having to slow down to keep the group together. These are all experienced riders and we have ridden a lot together as a group over the years so it was a very low stress ride that didn't require much from me to keep it together.

There were lots of conversations going on and I got to catch up with people like Herb and Mary who I haven't seen much this year. We stopped at the new Roy's which I haven't been to yet. It has decent food, a good bathroom and the location is central enough to make it a frequent stop for our local rides.

I ended up with 50 miles since I rode in from home. Because of the pace and the good group of people on the ride it was one of the more enjoyable rides this year and a good way to unwind from a hard riding season.

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