Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Bike Virginia Day 4 - The Last Ride

Today felt like a normal day of riding. We woke up to sunshine and the best weather of the trip. 70 degrees and no humidity. We were in no hurry today as we were planning on doing the 46 mile route and there was no threat of rain. By the time we got up, over to the 4H center and on the road it was around 9:30 am.

We were a little sore from yesterdays ride but after a few miles I felt good. Today's ride was rated at a 6 out of 10 where as yesterdays was an 8. According to the profile there were no massive climbs just constant small ups and downs. The route took us along the valley between two large sets of mountains. It was scenic and good riding along some fast running streams and vast farmland. The rest stop was in the town of Saltville, named for the large inland salt marshes around the town. This town has been an important producer of salt since it was founded in 1790. There is not much to this two block town as it was with all the towns in this area. It one of those towns stuck in the 1950s.

At the rest stop my friend Tim was there with his crew so we decided to ride by with them. We had about 15 miles to go so I spent an hour catching up with him. When we got back to the 4H center we went to their camp site and spent an hour swapping bike stories. Tim and his biking friends are a lot of fun. I told them about the Philly bike club Gettysburg weekend and they seemed interested so maybe we will see them again. They are headed to Ragbrai in July which sounds like a rolling Woodstock type party so I will be interested in hearing about that.

So after 4 days Bike Virginia was over for us. Today's ride was 46 miles and 4000 ft of climbing but theses last 4 days were not about the amount of climbing or the new roads we explored. It was about adventure of trying new things to expand our biking experience. I had never done a multi day tour before and did not know what to expect. Now that I have I understand the attraction and may do it again some day. Being around 1000 people who all share the passion for bike riding is a unique experience. Instead of being the odd dressed ones you become part of a large collective where the people who don't ride are the strange ones.

I get a lot of joy from riding a bike that I can't explain to people who are not riders. Its not just about being able to ride long distances or climb the steep hills. Its not just about exploring new places or getting unique scenic views from the seat. They are all part of it but when you put it all together and bring some friends along it becomes an adventure that leads to a story that gives you joy every time you tell it.

And each experience is different with unexpected turns. Like the fact that I meet a former co-worker from different state in the middle of 1000 other bikers.

These few days at Bike Virginia was a good adventure. Although it is over now I have some new stories to share and remember. It is these experiences that make us happy so I will continue to try to find new ways to experience the fun of biking.

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