Monday, May 11, 2015


Spent a week on a working vacation in the Outer Banks. My wife had the week off and wanted to hang out at a beach so we rented a place in North Carolina. It was a typical raised beach house with a nice open floor plan and a comfortable place to relax. I was able work remotely for a couple of days to conserve my vacation for later in the year but did spend a few days enjoying the beach.

The first couple of days the dog woke up early so I got to see an amazing sunrise over the ocean. There isn't a lot of places to ride a bike here since this is a sand bar of an island and is little more and a half mile wide in most places. They do have a decent trail system up and down the island so I brought my mountain bike to do some exploring.

The first ride I did was up to Jockey Ridge state park. This is a large (I'm talking at least 150 ft high) set of dunes. When your between the dunes it looks like you are in the middle of the Sahara desert. The state part is next to the Wright memorial where they made their first powered flight. One of the reasons they picked this spot was because of the constant wind. On the day I visited Jockey Ridge there were some people taking a beginning hang gliding class.

They basically ran down the dune and lifted into the air after a few steps since there was a stiff breeze. The two people from the school ran along side them and helped them guide the hang glider. The whole flight lasted about 100 ft and took about 20 seconds but it looked like fun.

The second ride I did was did was to Nags Head woods the only real forest on the barrier island. I would have stopped for pictures but I was two busy pedaling my ass off to get away from bugs that came out to attack me. I must have been the only fresh meat they have seen in a few days.

For once on a vacation we had 7 perfect days of weather. Sunny and mid 70s. It was a great week to be at the beach and my wife came home happy and with a good tan. Although I did a couple of rides the rest of the time was spent just relaxing and trying out some of the local beers. It has been a long winter so it was nice to have some beach time to switch into summer mode.

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