Sunday, April 5, 2015

Twinkies vs Dreamies

Its Easter again which means we are hosting the family for the celebration. Besides all the good food my wife makes she also tries to make a visually interesting dessert with an Easter theme.

This year it took her a while to come up with an idea but finally settled on making cars with rabbits in them. The cars are Twinkies with a peep rabbit and a pretzel for the steering wheel. The wheels themselves are marshmallow. 

Actually the cars are not real Twinkies but the the Tastycake equivalent (Dreamies) We actually ended up buying both Twinkies and Dreamies while shopping because we wanted to make sure we had enough. This gave me a unique opportunity to compare the two. I know many people were concerned when Hostess announced they were shutting down in November 2012 that the Twinkie would be gone and for a while it was. This lead other bakeries like Tastycake to try and fill the void.

So here the verdict. The Dreamie is close but it is a little drier and not as sweet as the Twinkie. I also think the filling in the Twinkie is a little better. You would think that a bakery like Tastycake could make a perfect copy of a Twinkie but I guess the secret recipe is still safe. I don't eat this type of food a lot but given a choice I would stick with the Twinkie. 

1 comment:

  1. This proves that you're a North Jersey boy. Tastykake is a Philly thing.
