Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Bah Humbug

I haven't posted in a while because I haven't had much to say. I have keep riding and have been getting out on the weekends either to Larry's ride or a ride on my own. Its been a cold, windy and busy month so all the rides were short.

I'm not a big fan of the Christmas holidays since a lot of the meaning of the season is lost in over commercialization and stressful family situations (statistics show that heat attacks and depression increases dramatically during the holidays need I say more).

Our Christmas tradition is that we usually go to my in-laws for dinner on Christmas eve then to my nephews on Christmas day. Its usually a hectic couple of days and I'm always glad when it is over and I can get back to my normal life. This year however Christmas had a different flavor.

We did our usual Christmas eve with the in-laws any my wife's family where we went to dinner at a restaurant by them. Then dessert at their house before heading home. At around midnight my wife got hit my the first wave of food poisoning and I followed her at 3am. This was more than you run of the mill food poisoning. This was the epic horror movie type of poisoning where it was man versus food and food wins. My wife and I spent 2 full days projecting things out of us at an alarming rate. Its almost a week later and I'm just getting strong enough to be able to go out in public again.

My main regret is not missing any of the Christmas celebration but not being able to ride this past Friday or Saturday since they were the nicest days of the month.

By the way I have seen a number of ridiculous Christmas ornaments posted this year so just wanted to show one of the stupid ornaments that I have collected over the years. I'm a computer professional/geek which requires you to understand Star Trek at an expert level and I have a number of Star Trek themed ornaments. The pile of vomit that Spock is leaning over is an alien called a Horta and he is trying to mind meld with it so he can tell it not to kill any more.   What it has to do with Christmas and the season of giving I have no idea

Happy New Year. Hope to see you on the road soon.

1 comment:

  1. Whatever meaning your Star Trek ornament had before, there's a new significance now. Might as well get a marker and write "Christmas 2014" on it prominently.
