Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Heading South

After a couple of weeks in the hills I wanted something flat. I could have went to the Pinelands but I have done that enough this year and wanted a different kind of flat. I decided to go to South Jersey and do a loop from Batsto to Smithville and back. This was a longer variation of a ride from my NJ Book. We did this route which was a little longer than a metric and had less than a 1000 ft of climbing.

This was yet another ride I had listed on Saturday that I had to move to Sunday because of rain. (The 4th in a row for those keeping count) Even with moving the ride and the extra ride down to Batsto I still have 3 other people join me Laura, Barry, and Marc.

The ride was a lot like most of my Pinelands ride with similar scenery. The main difference was the Mullica, Wadding and a few other small rivers that broke up the forest. We also got to Oyster Creek and got a view of Atlantic City and the bay.

It was a nice flat ride and an easy 65 miles at a decent B pass. It will probably be my last long ride of the year.

I did not put any rides in the PFW book for November because I want to do some exploring. If I decide to do something interesting and want some company I will post something on this blog.

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