Monday, June 9, 2014

Round Valley in Reverse

This past Saturday I lead a ride to Round Valley Reservoir. This is a popular ride I do almost every year. Its not the hilliest ride I do but is has a couple mild climbs. I haven't done a lot of climbing this year so I wanted to make the ride a little easier.  To do that I decided to do the route backwards. It still has the same amount of vertical climbing but no climb is as steep or long so it feels easier. You also get a killer downhill after the reservoir.

For a complete description of the ride you can read Jim's or Laura's blog. I had a good crowd  it was a perfect day for the ride. It was one of the few times I've been to Round Valley where is wasn't overcast or foggy.

The hardest hill of the day was Lindbergh. We stopped at the bottom to get a look at what is left of Peacocks after it burnt down last year. They still haven't finished the demolition so there is no telling if and when they will rebuild.

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