Sunday, November 3, 2013

Cocoluxe Redux

They made me do it. Laura and Cheryl. I had no intention of going back to Cocoluxe this year. I had been there a month ago and sent Laura and Cheryl a picture of Cocoluxe basically telling then I went to Cocoluxe and you didn't.  They then told me they wanted me to lead a ride from Cocoluxe. I said fine maybe early next year but no they wanted me to lead a ride from there in November. I didn't really want to because the weather is getting colder and my legs are getting weaker but I agreed to anyway. And I'm really glad I did.

Saturday ended up being a beautiful day, sunny low 60s and the fall leaves in full color. We had a big group (11) with most of the usual people and a few new ones. It was a nice group and although it was a hilly ride we all stayed together and there weren't too many complaints. There are a lot of beautiful roads in this area and with the fall leaves at their peak it was a great day to be riding.

There were a lot of ups and down in this ride and by the end of the ride Jim kept asking if this was the last hill which I kept responding yes to. Apparently even though I kept giving him the wrong answer he kept asking anyway.

The ride ended back in Gladstone. Even through we had a quick stop on the ride I ended the ride at Cocoluxe for some baked goods. It was a good way to end a ride and may try to do this again on some other rides.

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