Sunday, June 16, 2013

Work, Life, Bike Balance

This was a tough week as I had a lot of important tasks vying for my attention. There was a reorg at work. This is normal occurrence in the corporate world and usually happens every year or two as companies try to improve efficiency. Although this reshuffling did not directly affect me it did affect other people and teams I work with more than usual so I spent a good part of the end of the week dealing with the repercussion of the reorg. This reorg also came at a bad time as we are trying to release a new version of our product so this reorg made a stressful time even worse.

For me biking is a way to relieve stress so I try and make sure no matter how hectic life is that I find time to ride. It is important however to balance this against the responsibilities to my family and friends. We all have duties like home repairs or some family event that compete with our desire to ride. For me Saturday is usually the day I ride and Sunday is usually when take care of things at home. Sometimes, like this weekend, I had a yard beautification project that could not be completed in just one day so I promised, my wife, that I would take some time from biking to help get the yard in shape.

I considered doing a quick ride on my own but it was going to be such a beautiful day that I wanted to do as many miles as I could get away with. I ended up on Laura's Round Valley ride even through I knew it was going to be a little long.  I ended up leaving the ride about halfway through in an attempt to get back a little quicker. I did end up making back home with enough time to get most of the work done I promised I would get done then spent all of Sunday finishing up our yard beautification project with out a lot of time for relaxing.

As I write this I still have to take care of a few emails from work before I can get to bed. I do enjoy my work, life and biking but some weeks it hard to find the perfect balance so that they can all peaceful coexist.

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