Tuesday, October 30, 2012


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It's been about 24 hours since the worst part of Hurricane Sandy passed by my house. I was one of the lucky ones who didn't loose power although it was close as you can see from the picture. Around the corner from where I live the wire that feeds power to my house now goes through a utility pole that is now hanging by the wire bringing in the power. It has not been fixed yet and with all the other damage around the area it may be this way for a while so I hope it holds.

This pole was cracked about 6:30 pm last night when a tree across the street from it fell and pulled at the wires. I was in my office reading at the time and saw a flash when the tree fell. We lost power for about a minute but then it came back on. About a half hour later we got an email from our friend that lives in the house where the tree fell showing a picture of the tree on top of the power line. Even through we had strong winds with gusts above 60 mph most of the night the power stayed on.

When I got up in the morning I saw 3 or 4 more trees down on my street. All of them were the ones between the sidewalk and the curb. One of them took some more wires down but nothing that affected our house. Besides a few down branches we had very little damage from the storm.

From the pictures on the news I know a lot of other people had it a lot worst than I did especially down the shore. We do have a small condo in Avon NJ but from an email we got from someone in the building it looks like it came through OK. We'll head down that way this weekend to check it out.  I plan to check out some of the other areas of the shore when I'm down there and will post some pictures here.

Although I suspect a lot of you lost power I hope you all made it through the storm OK.

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