As I mentioned last time I was able to see the latest lunar eclipse during my vacation. I had to wait to I got home to share the pictures since I didn't have the time to process the photos until now.
A lunar eclipse is not as exciting as a total solar eclipse, in fact it is pretty slow and boring for most people. It usually takes about an hour or so from the beginning of the eclipse until it becomes total. Then the totality lasts around a hour. After that it takes about a hour or more for eclipse to be over. Most people who care usually just come out for the total part. Few people want to dedicate 3 or 4 hours to the eclipse. Of course I'm one of the few people who actually enjoy these events and don't mind sitting around and watching them.
Fortunately where I was in Jekyll Island it was 60 degree and clear skies so sitting out at night wasn't a problem. This particular eclipse started late at night. The eclipse began at 1:09 am and lasted to until 4:47 am. I was hoping to be able to sit out on our balcony to watch the eclipse but the moon was too high to be visible. This wasn't a problem as I sat out on the patio by the pool which was close to our room.
I went to bed just before 10pm and got up just before 1am so got a few hours sleep before I went out. I sat out on the patio with my camera on a tripod and took a set of pictures of the moon every 15 mins to document the eclipse. I didn't bother bringing my telescope on the vacation as I didn't want to bother lugging in around. This just meant I had to keep adjusting the tripod every time I needed to take a set of pictures.
The initial pictures I got of the full moon were probably some of the best shots of the full moon I have ever taken as you can see below.
At about 1:10am noticed the shadow of the earth starting to cross the moon from bottom left to top right. I took a set of pictures every 15 mins until the total eclipse started.
It was a little strange sitting outside late at night by myself. We were by the beach so I could hear the waves hitting the beach but it was otherwise quiet. Since I was in Georgia and near a marsh there was still a possibility that there were alligators around so kept scanning the area for any kind of movement. I wasn't really that concerned but a person alone late at night sitting on a patio is the perfect opening scene for a movie like "Attach of the Mega Gator".
By around 2:20 am the moon was almost fully covered by the shadow of the earth.
Then about 10 mins later it went into total eclipse.
Of course unlike a solar eclipse the moon is still visible when it is totally covered by the earths shadow. This is because there some light reflected off the earth and back into space that illuminates the moon even when it is in the earth's shadow. This is called earthshine. The amount of earthshine varies depending on the distance between the earth and moon and sun and the relative angles between them as well as the amount of dust in the atmosphere.
This means that each lunar eclipse is a slightly different each time. This one like the last one I saw the moon was very dim. The moon had it's usual red glow but it wasn't as deep as last time. The top right corner was almost white which was a lot different than other eclipses I have seen.
Because the moon was so dim I really had to decrease the shutter exposure to 1/4 of a second so the images of the total eclipse aren't as clear as I was hoping for. I also had a moisture problem. It was very humid by the beach so the lens kept fogging up. I had to clean it off before taking photos. Next time I will have a dew heater to prevent this problem.
After about an hour of totality the earth's shadow slowly retreated from moon
I kept kept taking picture documenting the progress
Until the full moon appeared again.
It has been a long time since I was purposely up this late at night. I thought I might get tired just sitting there staring at the moon but I actually enjoyed it. There are very few times that the weather will be this good for a lunar eclipse so I'm glad I made the effort to stay up and experience it.